3 Predictive Model to Optimize Adwords

With the burst of online business, it is hard for new company without much differentiator to get attention in the internet. Even with the good press release, getting the company name in the head of consumer to get certain service is a daunting task. In travel business for example, there are a lot of companies …

ROC Analysis in R

As mentioned from previous post, the function for ROC analysis is available in other programming language. In this post I just wanted to show how to plot the ROC and calculate the of auc using R. Since R is an open source language, there are several people who developed the ROC analysis package. One package …

Gini, ROC, AUC (and Accuracy)

In economics, it is common to read in newspaper about gini coefficient (Gini was taken from Italian sociologist who introduce this method). Often it is used by the government to report the economic condition of a country. It also sometimes cited by economic obsersver, researcher or someone in twitter to look more credible and smart …